Dear Friends,

It is our pleasure to cordially invite you to participate in the 9th Joint Preservation Congress, which will be held on 14 – 15 June 2024 in Warsaw.

Since the year 2013, when we first initiated the idea of our series of meetings, the consequent goal of the conference is to thoroughly discuss the topic of joint preservation treatment resulting in successful osteoarthritis delay. The objective of our Congress is also to try to develop a common and practical approach to the use of minimally invasive methods of osteoarthritis treatment.

For the last few years, we could observe the tremendously vigorous and dynamic progress in modern OA diagnostics and treatment techniques. Osteotomies, cartilage treatment, mesenchymal stem cells are just an everyday use example. As during past Congresses we invited specialists from all around the world to share knowledge on minimally invasive surgery topics. They will do the deep dive into their own medical experience and give us the opportunity to ask questions and learn from world’s leading experts.

Join us and discover the new ideas alongside the most prominent scientists and proffesionals, who will present their views during lectures and panels, which we hope will be an introduction to lively discussions. Joint Preservation is a constant platform and offers valuable exchange of experience. As a culmination point, let us show you the true transformation of theoretical knowledge into surgical practice during numerous ‘live surgeries’ from the operating room.

As we believe that the key success of the treatment is the teamwork – the cooperation between orthopedists, radiologists, nurses and physiotherapists – therefore during the sessions, we will listen to physiotherapists and all members of the surgical team discussing patient treatment protocols after a surgery.

We would be honoured if you would join us during the event.

We’re looking forward to meeting you soon!

Konrad Słynarski & Jacek Walawski



Includes conference materials, participation in the sessions and exhibition held by pharmaceutical companies, meals according to the program of event (lunches & coffee breaks)
Regular Participant 1150,00 PLN
Doctor during specialization 750,00 PLN
Physiotherapist 750,00 PLN
Online participant 600,00 PLN
THE EVENING EVENT on 14 June 2024
Not financed by innovative companies associated in INFARMA, POLMED Chamber and MedTech Polska.

The Evening Event is financed by individual payments from participants.
450,00 PLN
14 June 2024
FRIDAY, 14 June 2024
15 June 2024
09:00 AM 11:00 AM Session 1: ACL Evolution: Pioneering Techniques in Reconstruction and Repair
Jacek Walawski,
Emmanuel Papacostas,
Wojciech Widuchowski
09:00 AM 09:10 AM Ribbon Revolution: Mastering ACL Reconstruction with Precision
Tomasz Piontek
09:10 AM 09:20 AM Nature's Fix: Embracing the Biologic Approach for Superior ACL Repair
Alberto Gobbi
09:20 AM 09:30 AM Securing Stability: The Role of Internal Bracing in ACL Reconstruction
Maros Varga
09:30 AM 09:40 AM Is the Quadriceps with bone plug the best graft?
Emmanuel Papacostas
09:40 AM 09:50 AM Unveiling the Future: The Breakthrough of Dry ACL Reconstruction
Umer Butt
09:50 AM 10:00 AM Enhancing ACL Reconstruction with Lateral Tenodesis
Kelly Ammann
10:00 AM 10:10 AM ACL Revision with the Quadriceps Tendon
Jakob Merkač
ACL Internal Brace

Umer Butt mobile-car
10:40 AM 11:00 AM Discussion
11:00 AM 11:25 AM Coffee Break
11:25 AM 01:00 PM Session 2: Beyond Boundaries: Exploring Orthobiology and Regenerative Medicine
Mats Brittberg,
Konrad Słynarski,
Alberto Gobbi
11:25 AM 11:35 AM Unlocking Consensus: The ESSKA's Definitive Verdict on Cell-Based Therapies for Knee Osteoarthritis
Laura de Girolamo
11:35 AM 11:45 AM Cell therapy in OA: functionalized MSC for early-stage synovitis and fat pad fibrosis
Diego Correa
11:45 AM 11:55 PM Beyond Bones and Joints: Bridging the Gap Between Immunology and Orthopedics
Krzysztof Mucha
11:55 AM 12:05 PM Adipose derived stem cells for knee cartilage and arthritic pathology
Dimitrios Tsoukas
12:05 PM 12:15 PM Understanding joint preservation, new insights from knee joint distraction.
Simon Mastbergen
12:15 PM 12:25 PM Subchondral bone as part of the joint preservation.
Mats Brittberg
12:25 PM 12:35 PM What are the limits of the biological joint repair?
Wojciech Widuchowski
12:35 PM 01:00 PM Discussion
01:00 PM 02:00 PM Lunch session
ACL Reconstruction

Jakob Merkač,
Maros Varga, mobile-car
02:00 PM 04:00 PM Session 3: Caplan's Legacy: Honoring the Pioneer of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
Krzysztof Mucha,
Konrad Słynarski
02:00 PM 02:30 PM MSC, one cell, multiple functional phenotypes, a tribute to Professor Arnold Caplan.
Diego Correa
02:30 PM 02:45 PM Revolutionizing Cartilage Repair with Mesenchymal Stem Cell Innovations in Orthopedics
Alberto Gobbi
02:45 PM 03:00 PM Arnold Caplan, Number one pioneer on stem cells: Stories from the past, the present and the future of his and our research.
Mats Brittberg
03:00 PM 03:15 PM Orthobiological Strategies for Treating Osteoarthritis.
Laura de Girolamo
03:15 PM 03:30 PM Orthobiologics strategies for OA - clinical prospective
Elizaveta Kon
03:30 PM 04:00 PM Discussion
04:00 PM 04:30 PM Coffee Break
04:30 PM 06:45 PM Session 4: Mastering Osteotomy Techniques for Joint Preservation
Jacek Walawski,
Mike McNicholas,
Kristian Kley
04:30 PM 04:40 PM Mastering Complexity: The Art of Advanced Osteotomies
Ronald Van Heerwaarden
04:40 PM 04:50 PM Osteotomy for Post-traumatic Intraarticular Malunion
Mike McNicholas
04:50 PM 05:00 PM Leveling the Field: Slope Correction Strategies for ACL-Deficient Knees
Jörg Dickschas
05:00 PM 05:10 PM Double the Precision, Double the Impact: Navigating the Nuances of Double-Level Osteotomies
Kristian Kley
05:10 PM 05:20 PM Does the joint line matter in realignment surgery?
Matt Dawson
05:20 PM 05:30 PM Holding the Balance: Mastering the Art of Managing The Hinge in Knee Osteotomies
Kristian Kley
05:30 PM 05:40 PM Tips and Tricks for HTO
Łukasz Luboiński
05:40 PM 05:50 PM Enhancing Osteotomy Outcomes: A Finite Element Analysis Approach to Optimizing Fixation Device Performance
Kelly Ammann
Mastering the Craft: Cadaveric Insights
into DFO Including Rotation
Osteotomy Approaches

Ronald Van Heerwaarden mobile-car
06:30 PM 06:45 PM Discussion
06:45 PM End of Day 1
Session will he held in polish
02:00 PM 02:18 PM Manual therapy for knee pain in rheumatoid arthritis patients
Mateusz Romanowski
02:18 PM 02:36 PM Arthrosis and physiotherapy – does it make sense?
Piotr Kotajny
02:36 PM 02:54 PM How to reduce pain during sitting down in patient with OA
Joanna Jaczewska-Bogacka
02:54 PM 03:12 PM Changes in the brain after ACL rupture
Mikołaj Stańczak
03:12 PM 03:30 PM ACL injury conservative management - a path to joint preservation?
Maciej Biały
03:30 PM 03:48 PM Pain of patellofemoral compartment after ACL reconstruction
Łukasz Stołowski
03:48 PM 04:06 PM Plyometric training in the process of coming back to sport after ACLR
Piotr Ciebiera
04:06 PM 04:26 PM Coffee break
04:26 PM 04:44 PM Possibilities of utilizing new technologies in knee joint rehabilitation
Sergiusz Kulesza
04:44 PM 05:02 PM Physiotherapy after trochleoplasty- Case Study
Katarzyna Gosek
05:02 PM 05:20 PM Types of isometrics and practical application in jump shaping
Bartłomiej Szczygieł
05:20 PM 05:38 PM Vertical jump strategy analysis: extended assessment of the braking phase
Karol Kruczek
05:38 PM 05:56 PM Injury Management In Professional Basketball team
Jakub Nowosad
05:56 PM 06:14 PM Injury Prevention In Handball team
Bartosz Kiedrowski
06:14 PM 06:32 PM Injury Prevention In Football team
Stanisław Gadziński
06:32 PM 06:50 PM Awarness of children's body postures and movements in preventing degeneration in future.
Przemysław Nietubyć
06:50 PM 07:00 PM Conclusion and farewell
08:50 AM 11:00 AM Session 5: Crucial Dynamics of Joint Overload and Strategies for Effective Joint Preservation
Jacek Walawski,
Dimitrios Tsoukas,
Umer Butt
08:50 AM 09:00 AM Arthrogenic Muscle Inhibition - missing element of knee reconstructions predictability
Piotr Wodziński
09:00 AM 09:10 AM The influence of obesity on cartilage lesions and osteoarthritic joints
Mats Brittberg
09:10 AM 09:20 AM The role of partial knee arthroplasty as a joint-preserving procedure.
Paweł Skowronek
09:20 AM 09:30 AM Knee Joint Distraction: to load or to unload?
Simon Mastbergen
09:30 AM 09:40 AM Meniscal scaffolds for partial meniscal defects.
Umer Butt
09:40 AM 09:50 AM Meniscus Repair strategies and long term results
Goran Vrgoč
09:50 AM 10:00 AM Radial and bucket handle tears of meniscus
Łukasz Luboiński

Lecture of smith
10:00 AM 10:10 AM Partial reconstruction of the meniscus using fascia lata - autograft. Effective reconstruction of meniscal tissue
Tomasz Piontek
Meniscus Repair

Goran Vrgoč mobile-car
10:40 AM 11:00 AM Discussion
11:00 AM 11:30 AM Coffee Break
11:30 AM 01:20 PM Session 6: Osteotomies New Developments
Ronald van Heerwaarden,
Kelly Ammann,
Konrad Słynarski
11:30 AM 11:40 AM New Developments in Knee Osteotomies
Kristian Kley
11:40 AM 11:50 PM Precision Tailored: Osteotomies with BodyCad's Patient-Specific Instrumentation
Mike McNicholas
11:50 PM 12:00 PM Complications of Osteotomy
Matt Dawson
Mastering the Craft: Cadaveric Insights
into DFO and HTO Techniques,
Including Advanced Slope
and Rotation Osteotomy Approaches

Ronald Van Heerwaarden mobile-car
12:40 PM 12:50 PM Navigating and Learning from the Challenges of Knee Osteotomy
Konrad Slynarski
12:50 PM 01:00 PM Decision making HTO or unicondylar replacement
Jorg Dickschas
01:00 PM 01:10 PM Tibial Tubercule Osteotomy
Jacek Walawski
01:10 PM 01:20 PM HTO +ACL – How to avoid potential problems?
Łukasz Luboiński
01:20 PM 02:20 PM Lunch session
Managing instability and deformity
of the knee - slope changing osteotomy
and Quadlink ACL reconstruction.

Kristian Kley
Konrad Słynarskimobile-car
02:20 PM 04:10 PM Session 7: Cartilage Repair
Wojciech Widuchowski,
Jacek Walawski,
Mats Brittberg
02:20 PM 02:30 PM The future of cartilage joint restoration
Mats Brittberg
02:30 PM 02:40 PM Auricular cartilage micrografts for knee osteoarthritis
Dimitrios Tsoukas
02:40 PM 03:30 PM
Umer Butt
03:30 PM 03:40 PM One - stage Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation
Emmanuel Papacostas
03:40 PM 03:50 PM Hyaluronan-based Scaffolds for Advanced Cartilage Repair
Konrad Słynarski
03:50 PM 04:00 PM Step Forward in Cartilage Repair: Introducing a Revolutionary Scaffold Enabling Immediate Knee Weight-Bearing
Teemu Paatela
04:00 PM 04:10 PM Exploring Dry Arthroscopy's Innovations in Cartilage Repair
Umer Butt
04:10 PM 04:50 PM Coffee Break - CADAVER LIVE DEMO
MPFL reconstruction and TTO

Jacek Walawski mobile-car
04:50 PM 06:10 PM Session 8: Patellofemoral Joint
Mike McNicholas,
Dimitrios Tsoukas,
Konrad Słynarski
04:50 PM 05:00 PM Rotation osteotomies for patellofemoral pathology
Ronald van Heerwaarden
05:00 PM 05:10 PM One year follow up magnetic resonance imaging score of the cartilage lesion by the classification system (MOCART) assessment of postoperative trochleoplasty
Marcin Hajzyk
05:10 PM 05:20 PM Patellofemoral Joint Preservation
Jacek Walawski
05:20 PM 05:30 PM Steadying the Kneecap: Approaches to Conquering Patella Instability
Jorg Dickschas
05:30 PM 05:40 PM Cartilage Repair In Patellofemoral Joint
Konrad Słynarski
05:40 PM 06:10 PM Discussion
06:10 PM End of Day 2
* program may change

Sofitel Warsaw Victoria Hotel

Królewska 11
00-065 Warsaw

Logo Grupa Why Not Travel

Logistic Organiser

WhyNotTravel Załoga Nasternak sp. k.
Kielnarowa 108A
36-020 Tyczyn

Correspondence address:

WhyNotTravel Załoga Nasternak sp. k.
Łucka 15/210
00-842 Warsaw

Contact for sponsors:

Magdalena Kędzierska

Contact for participants:

Zuzanna Jędrych-Jarzyna